Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Tea & Run

Had Tea, ran. Possibly not the best combination but I did leave an hour between eating and hitting the road but I felt slightly sick, and had a bit of a stitch, but soon recovered. Managed the full there and back non stop, so a little further than last time. Running with music is a lot different to listening to a beeping watch.

Passed another runner on the way... he was walking!!!!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010


Hit the road again tonight, after a peanut butter and crisp break snack...I have problems feeling run down when I come home from work so I need food, but I think the fish and chips after my run might have been a little much...

I decided to deviate from the couch potato plan, (I think last week I was playing with week 3+a few bits, so I do my 5 minute warm up, 8 min run, 2min walk and then 9min run back. Felt good, trying to mjaintain a slow stead pace.. the plan is to get comfortable with the distance/pace/time t5his week and then build upto there and back with no break.... steady and even

Day Off

Has a day off work today, so decided to pop into London for a wander around. Although no running, I managed to clock up 7.2 miles in total, with 2.3 miles from home to the tube, then the rest walking around.

I think I managed to kill my footpod though.